Something new but no less exciting!!! Personalized present, which has travelled half the world. We know a lot lovers of different areas. Today I will talk about whiskey or bourbon lovers. Do you know someone? Have you ever felt the same feeling, when you wanted to please and surprise him or her, but could not find an appropriate gift? Whiskey gourmets and lovers are special, you know. They are picky, solid. Every sip of whiskey are special for them. Full of different sensations and knowledge, enjoyment. And so the vessel from which they taste should be no less special. Special for special, you know. Once my friend asked me if I could create something special for her partner. He loves nature, trees - she said. His job is closely related with carpentry. He also is very patriotic. Ok, I said - it will be very interesting challenge for me! And yes, after few days thinking, I combined symols, which were the reflection of everything she told. So, here we go - please meet my engr...
Welcome! At SJdecoLT you can find handmade decorated glassware for different occasions - weddings, anniversary, birthday, proposal. We all are authentic persons, so I believe, that special occasion presents should be authentic too. Even more - gifts should be created for that one special person, feeling the story of his life and creating symbolic home for his memories. Are you looking for the special present reflecting person? You are on the right way.